FREE Community course

Following Jesus

As a committed Christian and follower of Jesus, have you ever felt alone, weak or lost in your spiritual journey?


Or unsure as to how you can grow in your spiritual maturity?


I know that this was something that I struggled with for almost a decade, despite going to various churches and reading my Bible regularly.


I was hungering and thirsting for spiritual bread and drink, but I felt as if I was stumbling around in a dark desert with no one to guide me, hold my hand, or provide sustenance, and everything that I heard was like chaff or styrofoam to me …

However, by the Grace of our Lord ...

… a few years ago I stumbled on the writings of a couple of older Christian preachers that proved that this has always been recognised as a potential problem for Believers.


Unfortunately, it seems that both this realisation – and the solution that goes along with it – have been lost in the last several generations of evangelism.


I do not want to blame any one movement let alone person, but Western Evangelical Christianity in particular has changed dramatically over the last hundred years or so. This seems a long time for us in our modern world, but it’s a very short time in the history of the church.


This short, Biblically focussed course is being created to help us firstly to stand firm, and secondly to find direction, no matter where we are in our walk with Christ. It is a distillation of what I learned from these great men of God – and just by creating it I am learning so much more!


It is therefore my prayer for you that together we can better stand strong in our faith, and so move confidently forward in the right direction as we grow and mature as faithful disciples of our Lord.


I look forward to spending time with you.


Your brother in Christ


(13 December 2023)

Launching Soon ...

Be a Part of the Launch, and get going early as a founder member if you ...
    Strength: Very Weak

    rollout schedule

    Course Rollout Schedule

    Rather than present a finished product, I will be creating the course content in stages, so early joiners will be few in total number, but you get to be part of the creation experience.


    However, I am leaving the membership growth and use of this entirely to the Holy Spirit.


    The first stage of the course is expected to be ready in January 2024, but you are welcome to engage with me as we set out on this journey together.


    See below for the Course Guideline.


    Part 1: A New Creation

    Being Born Again

    Our Lord gave us clear guidance on our spiritual journey when, “Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, … he opened his mouth and taught them.” Matthew 5:1-2.

    These are known as the “Beatitudes”, and there are eight of them. Please do not think of these as “levels” of achievement, because walking with Jesus is not like going to school or college – it is a way of life. However, there is also an element of progression involved – we just mustn’t take that idea too far. 


    The early Church understood this when they referred to discipleship of Christ as “The Way”, and we would do well to remember that each of these stages of progress are also elements of being a New Creation in Christ.


    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3


    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4


    Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

    A New Life

    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6
